SQ1: Cast on 16 stitches R1: K6, K2tog, k2tog, K6
R2: and all even rows Knit
R3: K5, k2tog,K2tog, K5
R5: K4, K2tog, K2tog, K4 - see a pattern forming??
R7: K3, K2tog, K2tog, K3
R9: K2, K2tog, K2tog, K2
R11: K1, K2tog, K2tog, K1
R13: K2tog twice
R14: K2tog
For the second square, leave the stitch on the needle. While looking at the front of your work, pick up and knit 7 stitches along the left side of the diamond, then using the knitted cast on, cast on 8. - 16 sts in all
Repeat the 14 rows above.

You can knit a strip like this and use it as an edging. I am making a baby hat this way and will post the final result when ready!
I'm hunting Calgary for some right now.